Questions tagged [herbalism]

Use this tag for claims regarding the physiological effects of plants.

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2 votes
1 answer

Could Thymoquinone help against COVID-19?

A March 30, 2021 article in the Austrian site, MedMix (in German) claims that thymoquinone from black seed oil might be able to cure, or at least lessen the impact of, COVID-19. It cites several ...
Hagbard's user avatar
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2 votes
0 answers

Can turmeric help you get better? [closed]

Looking at a couple of sites it states: PaleoHacks This is perhaps one of the most powerful herbs and is helpful for just about everything. It boasts powerful properties. it is an ...
aqwert's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

Does drinking hot tea (or hot drinks) help when you're sick?

Livestrong (as well as my mom) claims you should drink tea when you are feeling sick. They claim hot teas provide numerous benefits from various sicknesses: A cup of warm herbal tea can help ...
Matas Vaitkevicius's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Do Arnica homeopathic tablets reduce bruising?

My wife recently gave birth and the taking of arnica homeopathic tablets seems to be widely recommended to help with bruising. We've seen it suggested online, several midwives have told her to take ...
Andrew Wilkinson's user avatar
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Does Bee Pollen reduce inflammation?

There are plenty of sites and people declaring the benefits of Bee Pollen. A few examples from this site specifically site that the benefits are caused because the pollen will reduce inflammation. ...
msmucker0527's user avatar
9 votes
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Does sniffing rosemary improve memory?

A "meme" now circulating on Facebook claims that Scientists Find Sniffing Rosemary Can Increase memory by 75% The credited web site, has this article on the topic, which ...
Flimzy's user avatar
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Do fenugreek tablets increase stamina and assist in weight loss?

Recently I was told, by a friend, that taking fenugreek tablets would increase stamina and assist in weight loss. I am unsure of this claim. I had a quick look on Google but there is a lot of (...
Javeer Baker's user avatar
15 votes
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Does ginger help against the common cold?

My wife is treating all cold symptons in the family with a few spoons of freshly ground ginger juice mixed with honey. While I don't mind an occasional placebo, drinking ginger juice is unpleasant ...
Twinkles's user avatar
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Does Aloe Vera cure diseases? [closed]

Many sites claim that Aloe Vera can cure diseases and sicknesses such as Arthritis and prevent diseases such as cancer. Is there any scientific merit at all to all those claims? Example sites: ...
user19164's user avatar
7 votes
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Is Bach's flower remedy 'rescue' effective?

I hear that it actually helps people to fall asleep and feel less stress. My question is specifically for the sleep 'rescue' remedy which has the following ingredients according to their site: ...
GinKin's user avatar
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Is Tegarome effective to treat minor skin injuries such as sun burn, insect stings, scratches?

Tegarome is a blend of essential oils designed to treat soothes minor skin injuries such as sun burn, insect stings, scratches. It was created by Dr. Jean Valnet, who is regarded as a founder of ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
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Is Flexarome effective to relieve aching joints and tense muscles?

Flexarome is a blend of essential oils to relieve aching joints and tense muscles. It was created by Dr. Jean Valnet, who is regarded as a founder of modern aromatherapy. Cold, humid weather and age ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
9 votes
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Is Herbalife safe, and can it actually promote sustained weight loss?

I have a friend who's begun taking Herbalife products, presumably for weight loss. I informed him that their products, like all supplements, are not regulated by the FDA, and that there have been ...
user15871's user avatar
3 votes
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Does Fenugreek increase breastmilk? Fenugreek - one of the best and strongest herbs for increasing milk production. When taken in very ...
Aquarius_Girl's user avatar
9 votes
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Do nettle stings help reduce joint pain?

I remember watching a documentary about some people who used to take nettle baths - i.e. lie down in a bed of nettles - and claim that it was good for the cardiovascular system. Are there any ...
DJack's user avatar
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Does excessive menthol cause sleepiness?

Does over consumption of menthol cause sleepiness? I found no substantial sources either to suport or refute this argument. I have heard it from a few sources not perfectly reliable. I do know that ...
700resu's user avatar
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5 votes
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Are the leaves of bean plants effective for controlling bed bugs?

From the National Geographic article Can We Fake Leaves That Stab Bed Bugs in the Feet? But in the Balkan countries of southeastern Europe, there’s an old folk remedy that might be the insects’ ...
Jesvin Jose's user avatar
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4 votes
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Can you get high by smoking oregano?

I heard somewhere that people have tried to get high by smoking oregano. Is that true? If so, did it work?
Austin Mullins's user avatar
2 votes
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Does the Japanese medicinal tonic, Yomeishu, help with fatigue, poor circulation and gastrointestinal illnesses?

Yomeishu is a medicinal tonic from Japan. According to this the Yomeishu web-site, Yomeishu improves the following symptoms: 1. Physical fatigue For people with the trouble of physical fatigue such ...
Jack's user avatar
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14 votes
3 answers

Does the ripeness of a banana have any effect on causing constipation?

In this Parenting SE question there seem to be two opposite claims made: A +7 answer claims that banana ripeness has no effect on constipation (I'm leaving aside the second, obvious claim that ...
user5341's user avatar
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4 answers

Does garlic lower cholesterol and reduce blood pressure?

Some naturopath websites claim that garlic is incredibly good for you: If garlic had been created in the laboratory instead of by nature, it would probably be a high-priced prescription drug. The ...
berry120's user avatar
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8 votes
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Does parsley improve bad breath?

This Livestrong article - Does Parsley Help With Bad Breath? suggests that parsley can improve bad breath. The article suggests that bad breath is caused often by poor oral hygiene, allowing ...
Simon Khoury's user avatar
19 votes
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Does soursop cure cancer?

I was linked a website about the effect soursop has in fighting cancer. The website heavily implies that soursop is an effective cancer treatment similar to chemo. source Chemotherapy is a widely ...
Kit Sunde's user avatar
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Does chamomile help you to relax?

What is the best evidence available relative to chamomile having relaxing effects? Some examples claims include: It is known for its relaxing and soothing properties It is a mild relaxant and, as ...
Stefano Borini's user avatar