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14 votes
2 answers

Were these 'Communist Rules for Revolution' written in 1919?

Please disregard the website on which this is found. Were these "rules" actually found in 1919? From: A ...
sirdank's user avatar
  • 325
2 votes
0 answers

Is the Stuxnet worm a government facade? [closed]

I just read about Stuxnet, which is allegedly a computer worm that silently infected thousands of computers and eventually sabotaged Iran’s nuclear program. I find it difficult to believe that so many ...
adamdport's user avatar
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34 votes
1 answer

Was the wild west less violent than the current west?

Matt Ridley's The Evolution of Everything: How New Ideas Emerge has a chapter on the evolution of government, in which he starts by making the startling statement: The truth is that the [American] ...
matt_black's user avatar
  • 56.7k
33 votes
2 answers

Have communist governments killed more than 80 million people?

It's May Day, while Communist regimes celebrated this day, others mourn. Specifically there are claims that communist governments have killed 80 to 100 million people in the last 100 years. Are ...
Russell Steen's user avatar
44 votes
2 answers

Does the U.S. President have a red phone?

From a 2010 news article: Obama noted that Medvedev had opened a Twitter account while visiting the company's headquarters in California. "I have one, as well, so we may be able to finally throw ...
Oliver_C's user avatar
  • 48.1k
112 votes
3 answers

Is it possible to fly 4 helicopters anywhere in a country without official knowledge?

According to reports, there were 4 helicopters used in the raid on Osama Bin Laden. Is it conceivable that even one helicopter could be flown so close to the capital of another country without raising ...
going's user avatar
  • 18.1k
30 votes
2 answers

Do secret societies that wish to bring about a new world order still exist?

Do secret societies that wish to bring about a new world order still exist? Who are they, what evidence points to their existence today, and what are their overall goals? Also, who are the foremost ...
Eric Sokolsky's user avatar