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Do fireworks kills birds, dogs and other animals?

Diwali is a Hindu festival of lights, celebrated with fireworks. My closest friend on Facebook shared this picture on my wall: Happy Diwali Thousands of birds, dogs & other animals die out of ...
Ujwal Krishnan's user avatar
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Smell of a Body [closed]

There's many fictional and nonfictional stories about passerby detecting dead bodies inside buildings and such by an "overwhelming stench of decay" or something equivalent, usually even through thick ...
quack_inc4's user avatar
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Does injecting Bacillus F improve one's health? [closed]

In a Siberian times report, a Russian scientist Anatoli Brouchkov claims that 3.5 million year old bacteria Bacillus F improves longevity and fertility of fruit flies and mice stimulated the growth ...
asmaier's user avatar
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2 answers

Is it almost impossible to find animals that are not contaminated by chemicals?

From Chapter 3 of Rachel Carson's seminal book, Silent Spring (1962): FOR THE FIRST TIME in the history of the world, every human being is now subjected to contact with dangerous chemicals, from ...
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Does stress make you age faster, biologically? [closed]

Excess cortisol can damage the hippocampus, and we also know that stress can reduce the length of telomeres, which can lead to a shortened lifespan. But does stress accelerate aging in other ways ...
InquilineKea's user avatar
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Is hand gel effective against Norovirus?

I saw the following claim in an article in The Guardian - How not to catch the norovirus Incidentally – and you can consider this a public service announcement – forget most hand gels, the majority ...
Tom77's user avatar
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20 votes
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Does one drop of nicotine kill a horse?

There is a popular aphorism in Russia, translated as "one drop of nicotine kills a horse": , which is widely used on the anti-tobacco posters etc. Can 0.05 ml of nicotine really kill a healthy 400-...
Quassnoi's user avatar
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Is there enough tetrodotoxin in a single fugu (blowfish) to kill 30 people?

As a section about Fugu fish in the "Top 10 Most Dangerous Foods" article on the Time magazine website suggests The toxin is so potent that a lethal dose is smaller than the head of a pin, and a ...
Vahan Lcf Harutyunyan's user avatar
26 votes
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Do cacti absorb harmful radiation emitted by computers?

It is a common belief that cacti absorb radiation; consequently, a lot of people put potted cacti by their computer as a safety means. Do cacti actually absorb radiation? Even if so, will a small ...
Armen Tsirunyan's user avatar