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47 votes
3 answers

Can the US be powered by a 100 miles x 100 miles solar grid? [duplicate]

In this article Elon Musk is quoted to say that the US can be powered by a solar grid shaped as a square (in video he says "a corner of Utah or Nevada") 100 miles x 100 miles big. “If you wanted ...
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Can Hemp free us from oil dependency?

Within this article it makes the claim that hemp oil is a viable alternative to crude oil. It doesn't go into any detail. It only states that hemp oil is a "clean fuel" while listing in the title "...
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9 votes
2 answers

How long does it take for renewable technology to recoup its energy cost?

There are a number of technologies which are aimed at producing energy from non-fossil sources, among which very popular are wind power and solar power technologies. However, I have encountered a ...
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