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Questions tagged [drinks]

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5 votes
1 answer

Has any scholar proposed an etymology of "pissed" (in the sense of "drunk") related to drinking psychoactive urine?

The earliest example I've seen so far of this widely-recycled claim (see what I did there?) is a 2003 article by Dana Larsen in the magazine Cannabis Culture: It was common practice among ancient ...
31 votes
2 answers

Is drinking tea after a meal unhealthy?

There is a popular belief that drinking tea shortly after meal can cause health problems and is also dangerous to anemic people. Drinking tea just after a meal restricts the body's absorption of ...
8 votes
1 answer

Is it better to store fizzy drinks inside the fridge or outside?

I've always kept bottles of fizzy drinks inside the fridge, but I've been told by many that doing so will result in the drink becoming flat much quicker and that I should keep bottled fizzy drinks ...
10 votes
1 answer

Are bars in Italy using pasta as straws?

It’s being reported in a lot of places that bars in Italy are using pasta as straws: 1 ,2, 3, 4. They all cite the same source of a Reddit post here, with a picture of one of these pasta straws in ...
-2 votes
1 answer

Does leaving a tooth in coke overnight dissolve it?

I've been told that leaving a tooth in coca cola or other sodas overnight will cause the tooth to dissolve, or at least partially dissolve. Is this true, and is drinking coke therefore a hazard to to ...
52 votes
2 answers

Are human fetal cells used to produce Pepsi?

A friend just came over and apparently Pepsi is made from people. Or, more specifically: The aborted human fetal cell line is known as “HEK-293,” and it is used to see how the human palate will react ...
19 votes
1 answer

Is drinking a cold drink and drinking hot soup unhealthy in any way?

At least around here, in Costa Rica, it is common practice to avoid drinking cold drinks while drinking hot soup. I never questioned this (but didn't really care about it). Apparently it is, well, bad ...
7 votes
1 answer

Is it safe to drink 'expired' cola/pop/soda in an aluminum can?

I understand that carbonation might not last forever, and diet beverages don't taste good after a period of time, but I've always believed that the expiry date on the can doesn't matter, provided it's ...
12 votes
1 answer

Does chugging Gatorade before going to sleep prevent a hangover in the morning?

Is drinking Gatorade after a night of drinking an effective method for preventing hangovers? A Forbes article claims: You not only lose water when you booze, you also dump electrolytes. These ...
9 votes
2 answers

Does Coca Cola taste different in glass bottles?

It is a common belief that the Coca Cola drink tastes different in glass bottles: Why does Coke from a glass bottle taste different? Why does Coke taste better in a bottle? Why does glass-bottled ...
27 votes
1 answer

Did Coca-Cola contain cocaine?

Is it true Coca-Cola once contained cocaine? To what extent and how similar was this to the street drug cocaine? Until 1903, the world-famous soft drink contained a significant dose of cocaine. ...
10 votes
1 answer

Does drinking milk and orange juice together cause digestion problems?

I was once having a milky coffee at a cafe and I ordered an orange juice. The waiter told me that I should wait until I've finished my coffee, because drinking milk and orange juice together causes ...
24 votes
1 answer

Does water bring out the flavor and aroma in scotch?

I've often heard that adding just a few drops of filtered, room termperature water to scotch helps to "bring out the flavor and the aroma." The scotch guy at my store told me it involves a chemical ...
12 votes
1 answer

Is Coffee the most traded commodity in the world after Oil?

I have heard the claim that Coffee is the most traded commodity in the world right after Oil. Is there any proof of that? I have also heard that coffee is the most consumed beverage after water? Any ...
2 votes
1 answer

Was there a cocktail named 'Mickey Slim' that used DDT as an ingredient?

According to Wikipedia, a Mickey Slim is a cocktail made by combining gin with "a pinch of DDT" which provided an experience similar to (the original) absinthe. The source appears to be The Dedalus ...
10 votes
2 answers

Does Red Bull contain as much energy as 10 coffees?

You often hear people saying Red Bull contains a lot more energy than an ordinary coffee. Specifically I heard mention a few times that Red Bull contains 10 times the amount of energy than an ordinary ...
28 votes
2 answers

Can tapping the top of a soda/pop stop it fizzing over?

People often tap the top of coke cans to stop them foaming over like this: Is there any evidence to suggest that tapping the top stops this happening?
9 votes
1 answer

Can Sunny D turn you yellow?

A friend of mine was drinking a bottle of Sunny D today, and we got talking about the stories of people that had been turned "yellow" from drinking too much - I thought that it was just something made ...
21 votes
1 answer

Does drinking alcohol through a straw make you drunk quicker?

It is said that drinking alcohol through a straw gets you drunk faster. For example, The Drunk Pirate I have absolutely no scientific explanation for why drinking alcohol through a straw gets you ...
5 votes
2 answers

Does drinking water prevent dehydration?

The UK newspaper the Daily Telegraph has reported that the European Union won't permit claims that drinking water will prevent dehydration, saying that there's no evidence supporting the claim. Is ...
2 votes
0 answers

Don't use plastic bottle too often or too long? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Is refilling water bottles bad for you? Is this true that we should reuse plastic bottle too long (refilling it as a gourde at the office for instance), because the plastic ...
1 vote
0 answers

Are carbonated drinks deadly? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Is carbonated water unhealthy? Yes, I know they contain sugar and can cause obesity etc. I refer to claims made on the internet about them being acidic enough to dissolve ...