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Questions tagged [divination]

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Can a cup of coffee be used as a barometer?

A recent Instructable was picked up by Lifehacker. It states: When you pour the coffee into your cup, watch the bubbles. If the bubbles move to the edge of the cup rather quickly, that's a good sign. ...
fredley's user avatar
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Can cows accurately predict when it is going to rain?

And do they show when they know it's going to rain by lying down, as the common saying suggests. Or is this just folklore? A quote on this Discovery Channel discussion board says this: Cows are quite ...
MSpeed's user avatar
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Did Abraham de Moivre Predict His Own Death?

According to the website I was perusing, found here, it stated that a mathematician named Abraham de Moivre, predicted the date of his own death (using some nonsensical method of when he had slept for ...
Kenshin's user avatar
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