Questions tagged [cia]

The Central Intelligence Agency is an official United States government organization concerned with matters of national security and intelligence. It is known widely in popular culture as an enigmatic, powerful entity, often theorized to have a hand in a wide variety of suspicious events and phenomena.

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Were three journalists (Bob Simon, Ned Colt and David Carr) investigating a plausible relation between the CIA and 9/11?

Apparently these three journalists all died within a couple days of each other (Feb. 11 to 12, 2015). The implication of some rumours going around is that these folks were killed because they have ...
Brian M. Hunt's user avatar
16 votes
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Is the US Army Field Manual 30-31B a forgery?

Wikipedia describes content of the US Army Field Manual 30-31B: It identifies a strategy of tension involving violent attacks which are then blamed on radical left-wing groups in order to convince ...
Christian's user avatar
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Was Timothy Leary affiliated with the CIA?

Did Timothy Leary* either work for or actively collude with the CIA? There are various sources across the Internet that assert some variation of this. While doing research for my book, Operation Mind ...
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