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2 answers

Can the US flags on the Moon be seen by terrestrial telescopes?

Telescope manufacturer, Celestron, claims on their blog: Can we directly see the flags on the Moon with an Earthbound telescope? The answer is no. The largest of the American flags on the Moon is the ...
aaparker's user avatar
11 votes
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Does the 'super-moon' have a measurable effect on probability and magnitude of earthquakes?

On the 14th of November 2016, the moon is both full, and is on its closest approach to Earth, causing its largest appearance size until 2033. Citation This large appearance gives it the 'super-moon' ...
geoff's user avatar
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Did astronauts leave footprints on the moon?

Our Young-Earth Creationist physics teacher stated that he does not believe that man actually stepped on the moon. That topic has been well covered here. One of his arguments, however, was that ...
Moe's user avatar
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Did Bill Nye get booed by a room full of Texans for saying that the moon reflected the suns light?

Did Bill Nye get booed by a room full of Texans for saying that the moon reflected the Sun's light instead of coming from God? This is a well-known internet rumour. Is there any evidence proving/...
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