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Does Kasardevi, India, have an enormous geomagnetic field because of the Van Allen Belt?

An online magazine says this about Kasardevi: What makes the place what it is, is its positioning on the earth’s Van Allen Belt. Simply put, the region surrounding the Kasar Devi Temple has an ...
nic's user avatar
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Can one estimate accurately the time until sunset using the width of one's fingers?

I've now heard from a friend and read about a claim online, which I find unlikely: You can estimate the time until the sun sets by using your fingers. By extending your arm fully and placing your ...
PenumbraBrah's user avatar
13 votes
1 answer

Can Polaris be seen from the Australian tropics?

According to The Flat-Earth Conspiracy By Eric Dubay , Polaris can be seen, up to approximately 23.5 degrees South latitude. That latitude is the Tropic of Capricorn which crosses through (the ...
Salim Djerbouh's user avatar