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2 answers

Do recent images from the JWST pose a major crisis for Big Bang cosmology?

In some recent publications, plasma physicist and alternative cosmology advocate Eric Lerner has made the claim that recent JWST images disprove the conventional ΛCDM model of cosmological inflation, ...
MadScientist's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Did an asteroid impact in 2000 cause widespread power outages in Yukon, Canada?

A number of sources on the Internet claim that an asteroid impact in 2000 caused widespread power outages in Yukon, Canada. For example, according to the German-language Wikipedia page for the small ...
Thorondor's user avatar
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5 votes
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Will the Sun's magnetic activity disrupt electronics on Earth?

I recently came across a claim that the earth's geomagnetism will change and all the electronics devices will be disrupted due to the Sun's magnetic pole change, as described in this video. ...
Arun Chettoor's user avatar