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Questions tagged [ancient-rome]

for questions about claims based in Ancient Rome, or limited in Ancient Rome.

4 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Did Julius Caesar say "If you can't defeat your enemy, have him as your friend"?

In my country (Italy) there's a popular saying that goes "Se non puoi sconfiggere il tuo nemico, fattelo amico", translated to english as "If you can't defeat your enemy, have him as ...
barotto's user avatar
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Did the Roman army have more servants than soldiers?

In one of his essays Joel Spolsky (co-founder of Stack Exchange) wrote: [...] the Roman army had a ratio of four servants for every soldier. Is this true?
marcin's user avatar
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Did Emperor Nero burn Frankincense equal to Oman's annual production at his wife's funeral?

In a documentary about Oman -The Paradoxical Life In Muscat - Magnificent Megacities it is narrated that - According to the legend, Emperor Nero burned the whole of Oman's annual production ...
SwiftPushkar's user avatar
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Did Ancient Roman bureaucrats file data only by year?

In an aside in an article about the greatest human innovations where he proposes the relational database as a candidate, Tim Worstall quotes the following comment about the Roman Empire: Finding ...
matt_black's user avatar
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