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Is it true that 4th century Christians "destroyed all they could reach of ancient learning"?

On page 19 of Mathematics for the Nonmathematician, mathematician Morris Kline claims that: In 313 A.D. Rome legalized Christianity and, under the emperor Theodosius (379-395), adopted it as the ...
Jayson Virissimo's user avatar
11 votes
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Did Christians seek out martyrdom during the Roman empire?

In the National Geographic series "Jesus: Rise To Power", it seemed as if some Christians actively sought out martyrdom. One anecdote it mentioned, featuring Arrius Antoninus, is also mentioned in ...
Golden Cuy's user avatar
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Were Christians ever publicly executed for their faith in Ancient Rome?

It’s commonly known that early Christians were prosecuted for centuries in the Roman empire, up to execution via damnatio ad bestias, meaning they were made to fight lions and other beasts in deadly ...
Konrad Rudolph's user avatar