Linked Questions

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Is there historical evidence for Christ's resurrection? [duplicate]

Numerous Christian sources claim that the raising from dead by Jesus Christ is “historically proven”. A claim that is formed this way clearly goes beyond the scope of faith alone. Therefore I believe ...
gaazkam's user avatar
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Does archaeological evidence show that Nazareth wasn't inhabited during Jesus's lifetime?

The gospels say that Jesus's home village was Nazareth. A book by Rene Salm claims that according to archaeological evidence, the village of Nazareth didn't become inhabited until after the time when ...
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35 votes
3 answers

Are any notable biblical characters historical figures?

Are any of the *main** characters who appear in the Bible that are real historical people, their existence supported by multiple sources. In addition do their actions in the Bible support or ...
Richard Stelling's user avatar
21 votes
4 answers

Is Jesus Christ's birthday March 28th?

Prior to about a week ago, I've never known Christ's birthday to be anything other than December 25th. However, my kids are starting to tell me about how they're hearing claims from peers that this is ...
Shawn Holmes's user avatar
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Was Jesus crucified?

Assuming Jesus was a real person, it is a generally accepted fact that he died on a cross. On the other hand, Jehovah's Witnesses are of the belief that the crucifixion of Jesus is a mistranslation ...
Zano's user avatar
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Are any fragments of the True Cross authentic?

Many churches around the world claim to hold pieces of the True Cross, the cross upon which Jesus was actually crucified. However, I doubt that any of their claims are valid. Two thousand years is a ...
Bigbio2002's user avatar
22 votes
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Was there an organized early Jerusalem church?

In the period between AD 30 and AD 70, many historians claim that there was an Early Jerusalem Church active and preaching in Palestine. The mainstream historical narrative can be found in this pdf. I ...
Ron Maimon's user avatar
4 votes
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Did the ten plagues take place in Ancient Egypt?

Inspired by this question. Is there any extrabiblical evidence that any or all of the ten plagues occurred as outlined in Exodus 7:14-11:10? Particularly, any evidence in Ancient Egyptian records?
ribs2spare's user avatar
15 votes
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Did Krishna live?

Rudolf Otto claimed: That Krishna himself was a historical figure is indeed quite indubitable. [Source] Despite this, much of modern Western discourse ignores (or displays skepticism towards) a ...
called2voyage's user avatar
-4 votes
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Do most scholars agree upon four historical facts about Jesus of Nazareth?

In this article, William Lane Craig claims: Fortunately, Christianity, as a religion rooted in history, makes claims that can in important measure be investigated historically. Suppose, then, that we ...
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