I'm sick, and my friend had me buy store brand Zicam to help with it. Looking at the bottle after taking it, I thought the ingredients were written strangely. "Zincum Aceticum 2x", it says, when I would expect something more chemical sounding, like "Zinc Acetate 2 mg". Then I saw the "homeopathic" bullet point on the front. "Nooo, I've been suckered into homeopathic BS!"
But I thought I'd heard that zinc actually can help with the cold.
Update: This 2011 meta-study seems to confirm that it does:
Zinc administered within 24 hours of onset of symptoms reduces the duration and severity of the common cold in healthy people.
Does the particular type of zinc matter? (acetate vs gluconate, lozenge that dissolves in your mouth vs pill that you swallow)
The dilutions of 1/10 ("1x") "Zincum Gluconicum" or 1/100 ("2X") of "Zincum Aceticum" seems like there's still a lot of the active ingredients.
Is there a difference between this homeopathic zinc supplement and conventional zinc supplements? If not, why might someone sell it as homeopathy instead of real medicine?