According to a 2023 article in the Eurasian Times
The most notable USAF presence was at the Badaber air base of PAF near Peshawar, operating U-2, the most advanced surveillance aircraft of its era, in fact, even today. U-2 operations suddenly ended on May 1, 1960, when Gary Powers was shot down over the USSR and taken prisoner. Despite 61 years having passed, the Skunk Works hangar at Badaber Airbase remains locked and keyed by Americans.
Is the last/highlighted sentence true? Does the US still control access to that fabled hangar, in Pakistan?
(The article is bylined by a Gp Cpt TP Srivastava, who seem to be an [ex] Indian MiG pilot and "chief instructor at the College of Air Warfare" according to his mini-bio in another piece. Also, Wikipedia cites an anti-US-bases website to claim that "since 2021" there are 65 US personnel at Badaber. That website in turn references an unspecified 2023 Eurasian Times article, which might be [another] one penned by our Group Captain.)