A few months ago, a video in went viral in France, with two "sovereign citizens" refused to submit during a regular police road control. They claimed that French policemen are mercenaries on French soil, that most French government departments are US companies, and that they refuse to "contract" with them (as of "sealing a deal").

Yesterday, one of them tweeted some documents ostensibly showing multiple French departments being registered as US companies:

la holding mère REPUBLIQUE FRANÇAISE PRESIDENCE et 41200 filiales commerciales sont à vendre avec leur portefeuille "CITOYENS" clients par contrat forcé depuis la rédaction de leurs ACTES CIVILS DE NAISSANCE et la création de leurs FICTIONS JURIDIQUES ????


the parent holding company REPUBLIQUE FRANÇAISE PRESIDENCE and 41,200 commercial subsidiaries are for sale with their "CITIZENS" portfolio of customers by forced contract since the drafting of their CIVIL BIRTH CERTIFICATES and the creation of their LEGAL FICTIONS????

Here is an example of the registrations:

enter image description here

Some are English named French departments, listed with an address correspondence to the French Embassy in Washington. The other has a French name and French address. Each has a DUNS number.

Are these French government departments registered as US companies?

  • 14
    In particular, DUNS numbers are assigned by a private company (Dun and Bradstreet) just as a way of having a unique identifier. They don't carry any official legal status that I know of (though the US government does use them, solely as identifiers, in some official processes). To equate having a DUNS number with being "registered as a US company" is completely misleading. Commented Aug 11 at 15:16
  • 3
    Not that I know of. Registration of businesses in the US is handled at the state level. Commented Aug 11 at 16:57
  • 3
    That registered address (4101 Reservoir Road) is the address of the French Embassy in the USA. I imagine it's standard practice for embassies in the USA to set up registered companies so they can pay the correct tax on any taxable official business they do? Commented Aug 11 at 19:02
  • 10
    Trying to fact-check sovcits is like trying to muck out Augeas' stables except all the horses have explosive diarrhea -- no matter how much of the horse shit you shovel away, they'll keep on piling more and you'll never get anywhere. Commented Aug 12 at 7:57
  • 3
    I have a DUNS number and my company is most definitely not a US company. Everyone can get a DUNS number easily. I needed one at the time because Apple required a DUNS number to allow an app on the App Store. So if a French government office wanted an app on the App Store they’d need a DUNS number.
    – gnasher729
    Commented Aug 18 at 11:41


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