Giving water directly is forbidden, self-service is allowed.
This was also covered by Politifact as well as several news sources, such as Business Insider, referring to the Election Integrity Act, more specifically SB202 which amended the law in August 2022.
Directly from the document itself:
(a) No person shall solicit votes in any manner or by any means or
method, nor shall any person distribute or display any campaign
material, nor shall any person give, offer to give, or participate
in the giving of any money or gifts, including, but not limited to,
food and drink, to an elector, nor shall any person solicit
signatures for any petition, nor shall any person, other than election
officials discharging their duties, establish or set up any tables or
booths on any day in which ballots are being cast:
(1) Within 150 feet of the outer edge of any building within which a polling place is established;
(2) Within any polling place; or
(3) Within 25 feet of any voter standing in line to vote at any polling place. These restrictions shall not apply to conduct occurring in private offices or areas which cannot be seen or heard by such electors.
Of note, it is possible to make water available as long as it's self-service (props to @LegionMammal978 for the find):
(e) This Code section shall not be construed to prohibit a poll
officer from [...] making available self-service water from an
unattended receptacle to an elector waiting in line to vote.