Recently, someone mentioned he had started taking melatonin at night, and in the afternoon. At night is common as it helps some to sleep. He began taking it during the day to see if there would be an increase in production of human growth hormone. His basis for trying this was the correlation between melatonin production and uptake at night, with the production and uptake of human growth hormone at the same time.
- Is this just a correlation?
- Is there an actual connection between the two?
- If there is a connection between the two, could additional supplementation of melatonin be used to augment human growth hormone production?
- Are there any studies documenting the relationship between these two chemicals?
His basis for trying this was the correlation between melatonin production and uptake at night, with the production and uptake of human growth hormone at the same time.
This association is a good example of the 'cum hoc ergo propter hoc' fallacy.