The prediction is extremely vague.
There are (almost) no specifics in the statements. No timeline. No mention of a war. Ukraine is mentioned only once in the video. Just vague statements like "i will teach you a lesson". It's stream of consciousness.
Most of the video is after the 2014 annexation of Crimea; you don't need supernatural powers to predict they might come to blows. However, there is a portion from August 7, 2013 before the annexation. It is transcribed below. (Sorry for the lack of punctuation, it's hard to tell when one sentence ends and one begins.) It is largely gibberish and never mentions Ukraine nor a war.
my spirit
has moved
for a small season
your ambition
has offended me
says the lord
your ambition and your taste
for power
has offended me
i will teach you a lesson
says the lord
forget all these numbers they're
throwing out there
in the soil of this nation
and above and below
is enough to clear that debt
and put us in a place
well i won't say it
we can say to
what's that what's that group
shove it
we've got our own resources you've
stolen from us for too long
What about Estonia?
Ukraine is mentioned only once in the video, Estonia is mentioned twice. Russia did not invade Estonia.
that once again
within a few months
you will look and say is this the one
that fooled the nations
is this the one
that had the nations petrified
for god said light shall shine
from nations that are in obscurity now
from ukraine
light shall shine and i will defend that
and light shall shine says the lord from
estonia and they shall say but they the
and i will take a little little
child-like nation
to bring to its knees
great britain now listen
no we no
the norwegian territories scandinavian
but estonia
what are you doing
there are those praying
and demonic powers are terrorized
What happened on April 14th?
He provides one specific date, April 14th of an unknown year when "shiftings" will happen.
look to the 14th of april
and there shall be shiftings that will
take place|
The Moscova was sunk April 14th, 2022. While dramatic, this event did not have a major impact on the war.
If one were to point to a major shift in the war around that time it would be the retreat of Russia from Kyiv on April 7th. I guess he overlooked that one.
We still don't know what the outcome will be.
The theme, when there is a theme, is Russia and Putin will be punished. We still don't know if that's the case. Putin is still in power. Russia still occupies a significant portion of Ukraine. Putin may yet come out the victor, we don't know.
Cherry picking.
As Ray Butterworth pointed out in the comments...
[does the video summarize] all of Clement's prophecies, or only those that are now claimed to have come true?
If this video is typical of Clement, he says a lot of things. It would be very easy to pick only the ones which came true... or in this case, happen to contain a few words which match the current headlines.
To claim Clement is making predictions, rather than being a stopped clock, one would have to analyze the whole corpus of his pronouncements.