Recently (26 October 2021), CNN published an article with the eye-catching headline:
2% of Elon Musk's wealth could solve world hunger, says director of UN food scarcity organization
This was subsequently debunked on Twitter to which Elon Musk replied:
If WFP can describe on this Twitter thread exactly how $6B will solve world hunger, I will sell Tesla stock right now and do it.
Drama ensued (and is still ensuing). David Beasley, who was CNN's source, tweeted Headline not accurate. $6B will not solve world hunger. CNN later modified the misleading title of their original article to the vacuously true "2% of Elon Musk's wealth could help solve world hunger". (See e.g. Can we end poverty for $US175 billion per year? to get an idea of how unrealistic CNN's original title is.) TL;DR: $US6 billion is being requested to prevent 42 million people dying from starvation.
Putting aside the debunked claim that $US6 billion could “solve world hunger”, ...
Question: Could Elon Musk sell $US6 billion in stock “right now”?
It seems fairly clear that Elon Musk believes he could actually do this if he chose to, and has requested specifics in response to David Beasley's clarification.
However (in my mind at least), selling $US6 billion in stock sounds extraordinary complicated; I would think it’d take months or even years to do so, if it were even possible at all.