There is a quote attributed to Cuban world chess champion José Raúl Capablanca after he gave a simultaneous display in the UK House of Commons in 1919 which is repeated on many Russian-speaking websites (Russian blog, Belarusian online newspaper, Ukrainian chess community):
Глубоких стратегических замыслов я у них не обнаружил, но в плане тактическом они проявили известную выдумку. Одни пытались сделать лишний ход, другие возвращали на доску уже снятую фигуру в надежде на то, что я этого не замечу, третьи производили за моей спиной некоторые перестановки в своей позиции... В общем, на месте избирателей, направивших этих джентльменов в парламент, я бы держал их под постоянным присмотром…
My translation to English:
I did not find deep strategic designs in their play, but in terms of tactics they showed a certain ingenuity. Some tried to make an extra move, others returned to the board a piece that was already taken in the hope that I would not notice that, yet others made permutations in their position behind my back... In general, at the place of voters who sent these gentlemen to the parliament, I would keep them under constant supervision
I couldn't find a corresponding English quote though. How trustworthy is it?