I have run across a number of exercise routines which claim individuals can lose weight and build muscle with very little exercise.
So, the question: Can an average person become ripped in three months using any exercise routine limited to an hour or less a week? TUT, or max-weight, or max-reps, or any other method?
For the purposes of my question and to reduce ambiguity:
- Our "average person" here will be Joe. Joe is male, between the ages of 20-40, living in America, with a middle-class lifestyle. Our Average Joe does not exercise regularly, does not use steroids or supplements, is 5'10" tall, 175 lbs, with a BMI of 25. He has a desk job, where he works maybe 3 hours a day and wastes the other 5. He is white, speaks only English, has difficulty matching paint colors, can't dance, is single with no children, and attends a Christian denomination of your choice- but only on holidays. He is fully vaccinated including covid-19, but doesn't remember which vaccine he took because he doesn't care about the differences. He has no drug addictions, does not drink to excess, pays little attention to politics, has never been out of the country, and owns at least two tools he doesn't know how to use. He lives in a dingy apartment in some city somewhere, spends too much money on eating out, and likes to wear nostalgic t-shirts featuring the exact same characters you love (what a coincidence!) Also, he has one sock in his drawer without a match, and it has been that way for at least six years.
- Diet changes are fine. No steroids, supplements, or drugs. Vitamin pills, protein bars, and even disgusting green smoothies are fine. A gaggle of professional nutritionists, dieticians, and trainers are not allowed
- "Ripped" will mean visible muscle tone in the chest and abs, bicep bulge, and no large fatty deposits (for example, no love handles). Body builder veins not necessary, tearing belts with one's neck not necessary, leaping tall buildings not necessary