Yes by some measure; no by others
Wikipedia maintains a list of U.S. military operations.
Obviously not all "operations" are of equal size, but initiating fewer military actions is a reasonable interpretation of "using military force less."
Counted by the date of their initiation:
Jimmy Carter (1977-1980): 2 operations over 4 years
Ronald Reagan (1981-1988): 22 operations over 8 years
George H.W. Bush (1989-1992): 16 operations over 4 years
Bill Clinton (1993-2000): 25 operations over 8 years
George W. Bush (2001-2008): 15 operations over 8 years
Barack Obama (2009-2016): 21 operations over 8 years
Donald Trump (2017-2020): 4 operations over 3-4 years
This measure also supports the claim's implication that Carter used the military even less than Trump.
FYI, the four listed operations during the Trump administration were
Shayrat missle strike in Syria
Damascus and Homs missles strikes in Syria
Operation Sentinel in Middle East waterways
response to Baghdad Embassy attack in Iraq
Troop deployment
Washington Times reports:
Just over 217,000 U.S. soldiers, sailors, Airmen and Marines were deployed in various global hot spots in September 2017, representing a nearly 42% decline from 2008
This data comes from DoD publications.
In 2016, there were fewer overseas active-duty troops than there had been in many decades
The number of active-duty U.S. military troops stationed overseas has dipped below 200,000 for the first time in at least 60 years.
Starting in 2017, the numbers are less clear. The DoD chose for security reasons not to publish troop strength in Middle East regions; the only available data is the occasional statement from the President or the Pentagon. And the deployment numbers have fluctuated. The U.S. increased the number of troops in Afghanistan in 2017-2018 and then decreased deployment by a similar amount in 2018-2019.
Air strikes
Drone and missile strikes have been a popular measurement target for military activity.
Obama increased drone strikes 10 times more than his predecessor.
Pakistan, Yemen, and Somalia, there were 574 strikes during Obama (72/yr), and 258 strikes during Trump (86/yr), according to The Beareau of Investigative Journalism which collects accounts of covert strikes.
Some organizations report massive increases in strikes under Trump. However, they often fail to mention that the date was not collected for Afghanistan until 2015, and it sees far more U.S. action than the other three countries (well over 10x the number of strikes).
If you measure by the number of new military engagements, Donald Trump has used the military less than any president after Jimmy Carter.
If you measure overseas troop deployments, either Obama or Trump has the fewest.
Troop deployments and airstrikes have less data on them, but it would seem that Obama had less of each than Trump.