So this is a new one for me... I came across a jaw dropping niche of health-woo today. Apparently tens of thousands of people (if not more) believe that almost all humans are infected with parasites that cause us all to crave sugary foods, and a "water fasting" diet will make us expel those parasites. They aren't just claiming microscopic parasitic infection, which could be mistaken for the regular flora that lives inside us, but they are claiming mass infection with naked-eye-visible parasites. Inches or feet long.
10 Ways to Eliminate Parasites You Almost Certainly Have
If you consume a Standard American Diet, the truth is, is that you likely have some parasite cleansing to do.
1. Cleanse, cleanse, cleanse
As with my own experience in cleansing, I can tell you that this is one of the best ways to help eliminate parasites. Water fasting is by far, one of the most effective ways to get rid of parasites
5 Foot long parasite worms that came out of my body!
Graphic youtube video claiming to be the worms expelled after a 28 day water fast
Video subject:
I just finished up a 28 day long water fast.
...This is my 27th day of fasting... And right now I just pulled out... if you fully unwrap this...probably could have been anywhere from probably 3 feet to 5 feet long.. worm
Dry Water Fasting to Disconnect Parasites
A slicker Youtube video produced by "Dr. Robert Cassar" about the parasites we're all infected with and how to disconnect them with water fasting
From the video:
Most humans are "hosts" to these parasitic worms called Ascaris lumbricoides (Roundworms)
Claiming that most humans are infected with macroscopic worms.
Paraphrased transcription:
...The best way to deal with this... is a block fast. ...Three days at least... of fasting.
Got Parasites In Your Body? I Bet You Do!
Parasites take up residence in a human host and eat many of our essential nutrients, dumping their waste products, and leaving us in a state of deficiency, leading to infections and serious diseases.
Most people, including me, don’t even know they have these little creatures inhabiting their system.A few years ago, a friend suggested I try a parasite cleanse. I’m always up for experimenting on my body, so I did.
I fasted from ALL food for 72 hours, and drank only water, herbal tea, plus swallowed daily doses of turmeric and Black Walnut Hull tincture.
The results were interesting to say the least!
I noticed some odd spaghetti-like things in the toilet. I fished a couple of them out (see picture) and discovered these creatures were called round worms or Ascaris. They had been living in my digestive system, unbeknownst to me.
So is this true? Are hundreds of millions of first-world inhabitants riddled with macroscopic parasites that can be starved into leaving the body?