Infusio is an organisation that claim to treat Lyme Disease.

The founder, Phillip Batiade, shares his opinion on Lyme disease treatment in this video.

The main claims he makes, as far as I understand, are that the treatment is effective in "85% of people; only 10% of patients does not heal completely, but their situation improves enough that they can partially resume their life." It is not clear to me what the 5% between "fully effective" and "not healing completely" is, but let's take these numbers at face value.

There are aspects that I am suspicious of - many of the clinics are in poorly regulated locations, the price is high, insurance companies won't cover it.

Does Infusio's approach, based in part on stem cell therapy, treat chronic Lyme Disease?

  • 2
    A better question may be "Is chronic Lyme disease a real thing?"
    – JasonR
    Commented Jun 18, 2018 at 17:03
  • 1
    @JasonR would you mind to elaborate? I am pretty sure people have chronic symptoms from Lyme's disease, when untreated. So are you saying it is chronic by definition, or do you mean it's no longer Lyme at that point?
    – CompuChip
    Commented Jun 18, 2018 at 17:06
  • 2
    wait!? That person isn't getting treated as recommended?!?!?! What I doubt is that people still claim Lyme disease affects them chronically after treatment.
    – JasonR
    Commented Jun 18, 2018 at 17:27
  • 7
    To clear up what I think @JasonR is saying: Chronic Lyme Disease is basically a medically condition once believed to be from persistent presence of Lyme disease in a treated patient, however it is no longer believed to have any medical merit. Chronic symptoms from untreated Lyme disease are definitely a thing, but 'Chronic Lyme Disease' is not something that actually happens to treated patients.
    – Giter
    Commented Jun 18, 2018 at 17:48
  • 1
    Yes, Giter explained it much more clearly than I did!
    – JasonR
    Commented Jun 18, 2018 at 19:23

1 Answer 1


Stem cell therapy may be effective in treating Lyme disease, however the safety and efficacy of such treatments in currently unproven due to how recent they are.

In at least one case report, stem cell therapy was effective at treating long-term complications from untreated Lyme Disease. However, the results of this and other case reports have only recently become available for study, and stem cell therapy doesn't appear to have comprehensive studies proving safety and efficacy.

Because of this, Infusio's claims should be taken with a large amount of suspicion, and their stem cell treatment plan may not be as effective as they are claiming. However, Infusio also seems to have a normal Lyme Disease treatment plan using standard antibiotics(with some extra comforting fluff thrown in), so that plan should be mostly trustworthy(and probably overpriced).

Lyme Disease vs. 'Chronic' Lyme Disease: Lyme Disease is a bacterial infection typically spread by certain ticks. Untreated Lyme Disease causes a lot of awful chronic problems, however a round or two of antibiotics is generally enough to treat the infection.

Chronic Lyme Disease is something that is no longer considered a medical condition, though treatments for it continue to be advertised by sketchy alternative medicine providers. As this paper demonstrates, questionable medical providers advertise various treatments for both normal and Chronic Lyme Disease, including stem cell therapy. These treatments generally have little scientific backing or rationale, as stated in the paper:

Scientific studies supporting the efficacy of any of the treatments discussed above could not be found on review of the medical literature. Most of the cited treatments were never evaluated with any scientific study, although we did find that a few treatments were evaluated in studies that either were poorly designed or had unclear relevance to human disease.

Although Infusio is not mentioned in the above paper, similar treatments were given less than positive reviews by the autors:

Testimonials in online patient networks referenced having received stem cell transplantation for Lyme disease at clinics in India, Panama, Bermuda, Costa Rica, and the United States.


...exposure to reactive oxygen species in the forms of ozone or peroxide, chelation therapy, intravenous silver infusion, and stem cell transplantation pose significant risks to patients.

Stem Cell Therapy for Lyme Disease: As to whether or not stem cell therapy actually works for treating Lyme Disease: it's a very recent treatment, and the safety/efficacy is mostly unkown. This case report gives a pretty rosy picture of stem cell therapy, describing a successful treatment:

The patient’s Lyme disease symptoms have also improved. He no longer complains of significant fatigue or insomnia, and only requires low dose Adderall for his ADHD (5 mg/day) to help concentrate at school. There is mild neck and back pain, but it is positional, with no other associated joint pain or neuropathy... He has remained clinically stable without relapses while off all antibiotics, and only required a seven-day course of a cephalosporin for a sinus infection during his first year of college.

This is a promising example for stem cell therapy, and therefore Infusio's treatment program might actually be as effective as they claim. However, this report presents major red flags for Infusio, as summed up in the report's conclusion section:

We report the first successful improvement of CVID in a patient with Lyme disease using human embryonic stem cell therapy. Further studies are necessary to evaluate the safety and efficacy of hSCT in reversing CVID...

In short, this case reports seems to be presenting the first successful stem cell treatment of long-term untreated Lyme Disease complications, and outright state that further studies are needed in order to say such a treatment is safe and effective enough to be used in general. Considering this report came out in February of this year, I doubt comprehensive studies backing up Infusio's claims have been made.

Infusio and Chronic Lyme Disease: Although Infusio's Lyme Disease treatment page doesn't currently make any claim regarding Chronic Lyme Disease treatments, they certainly used to offer treatments for it. I'm not sure how recently they made the change, but they still haven't change all of the titles in their site's source code:

Infusio site source code, showing Chronic Lyme Disease claim

So, at best they were questionable in the past and have now changed their practices to treat actual medical conditions using recent and semi-proven treatments. At worst, they still use medically unsound treatments and just don't tell you about it.

Addition: I just checked a version of the Infusio site from August 2017 on Wayback's archives, and in regards to Chronic Lyme Disease they are mostly right:

Old Infusio Lyme claims

A version from 2016 is similar. They certainly are talking about treating chronic problems from untreated Lyme Disease, which is a real thing, rather than offering treatment for the debunked version. Infusio's normal Lyme Disease treatment plan seems trustworthy, though the stem cell therapy is still questionable.

  • 1
    Great answer. Check the wayback for an archive of that page.
    – user11643
    Commented Jun 21, 2018 at 20:46
  • 1
    @fredsbend: Good idea! I just checked the archive and added it to the answer, thanks for the suggestion.
    – Giter
    Commented Jun 21, 2018 at 21:08
  • That's a nice comprehensive answer, and actually more of a 'maybe' and less of a 'definitely no' than I was expecting. Also thanks a lot for clarifying some of the points that were not clear to me and therefore sparked some discussion in the comments. I'll leave the question open for a few more days to invite anyone to an alternative response but I would definitely upvote twice if I could.
    – CompuChip
    Commented Jun 21, 2018 at 21:41

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