Along I-90 in Massachusetts (and I presume elsewhere in the state), there is a digital billboard which sometimes displays a message from the Massachusetts Department of Transportation that a tow truck driver is killed every six days in the US. (I'd love to find a picture of it, but as I'm driving when I see it I haven't been able to take one.) Certainly the message that one needs to be careful on the roads, especially when there are emergency and service vehicles around, is an important one and a good reminder. But 60 or so deaths a year for tow truck drivers sounds like an awful lot.
I've tried doing some research into the source of this statistic, and I've found news articles quoting somebody said it, but I haven't found the underlying source of this number. The closest I've found is a blog post on the MassDOT's site which says:
The Statewide Towing Association “STA” of Massachusetts, a member of the TIM Network, estimates that a tow truck operator is killed on the job every 6 days, totaling upwards of 60 deaths per year.
But I don't know where the STA got this number from. Is this an accurate description of how often tow truck drivers are killed in the US? Is it specifically about “on-the-job” deaths, or does it include other causes that just happen to have killed tow truck drivers?