The BBC has recently been reporting on it's own gender pay gap. In July 2017 it was revealed that Chris Evans tops list of best-paid stars with the top 7 being male. The next day the BBC announced that Male presenters could face wage cut and shortly after Female stars call on BBC 'to sort gender pay gap now' and then the BBC announces sweeping pay reviews after star salary row.

More recently the BBC China editor Carrie Gracie quits post in equal pay row and then Six male BBC presenters agree to pay cuts andJohn Humphrys says he will earn 'hugely less', and also said that he had, in fact, taken a total of three pay cuts and that "it seemed entirely proper to me that I should take a few pay cuts"

A couple of days ago, a BBC review finds 'no gender bias in on-air pay decisions', including the statement "there are "logical and non-gender related reasons" for the differences." Tony Hall said "Today's report does not find evidence of gender bias in decision-making.


Before the report was published, BBC Women... said it had "no confidence" in the PwC review. The group said it had not been consulted and felt it had "been excluded from the process".

I may be mistaken, but I would not expect an independent investigation to consult employees?

In addition, after publication, Jane Garvey, a member of BBC Women said

"The report would say that, wouldn't it? This is a PwC report commissioned by the BBC and, without being overly cynical, I might venture to suggest that the PwC has delivered the report the BBC has asked for."

Sargon of Akkad made a video on this, but unfortunately didn't link to any of the articles mentioned, so it's quite hard to confirm he is not cherry picking.

The conclusion seems unclear - an independent investigation revealed there was no gender bias in pay decisions, and Tony Hall confirmed this - but BBC Women still seem to be against the report, and it is assumed that the male stars are still receiving substantial pay cuts.

Is there any more evidence around this which clears things up?

  • 7
    To be fair, if you're going to check the salary vs the curriculum vs the effective responsibility of a employee , you don't really need to consult then if you keep proper, accurate documentation. I've seen a fair share of those cases of "discrimination" that were in fact comparing apples to oranges, like a male college teacher vs the coffee lady, so I tend to be skeptical about those types of claims. I'm not saying that discrimination doesn't exist, but I have my doubts if it isn't experiencing a bit of over reporting.
    – T. Sar
    Commented Feb 5, 2018 at 9:01
  • 4
    @T.Sar We should differentiate between the general pay gap discussion in society at large - which sometimes does compare apples to oranges, with the reasoning that it is a societel bias that women get apples in the first place (or organges, if you actually prefer apples) - and specific accusations of discrimination in pay (which the BBC issue seems to be; at least the Carrie Gracie case). This question would definitely benefit from a clearer explanation on what exactly "pay gap" means in this context.
    – tim
    Commented Feb 5, 2018 at 11:24
  • 9
    We can categorically exclude Sargon of Akkad a as reliable source of facts. He may be right in this particular instance (I haven’t checked) but he’s infamous for lying by cherry-picking and other deceptive techniques. Commented Feb 5, 2018 at 11:24
  • 2
    @KonradRudolph his argument seems reasonable, but his lack of links to each article he included, his usage of the Daily Mail as a source and the title of his video are all red flags.
    – Tim
    Commented Feb 5, 2018 at 12:39
  • 1
    @gerrit Not in my experience. Both my CEO and my sister gathered promotion after promotion until they got where they are, but by their outstanding work and their agressive negotiation. So did my mother. Of course there is some discrimination by some people, but it doesn't seem to be near the magnitude social media pushes it to be. Also, men are heavily discriminated in some fields, too - when was the last time you saw a male kindergarden teacher? A female in a STEM field gets praise for being brave, etc. A male in a typical female-oriented field gets harassed by not being manly enough .
    – T. Sar
    Commented Feb 5, 2018 at 16:35


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