I saw the following claim on The Independent's web-site:
All six of Germany's Muslim members of parliament voted in favour of same-sex marriage as Angela Merkel faced criticism for opposing the bill and announcing: "Marriage is between a man and a woman."
But this second quote says "most", not all:
[...] her party's MP Cemile Giousouf, the first Muslim elected into the Bundestag in 2013, was praised on social media after endorsing the landmark measure. [...] “She's a Muslim woman and a Conservative. She voted for marriage equality, most of her CDU colleagues voted against.
I find it very, very hard to believe that a Conservative Muslim voted in favor of gay marriage. Islam is clear on homosexuality, and several Muslim countries impose the death penalty for homosexuality. I saw the Pew Research a few months ago citing that most European Muslims believe homosexual behavior is immoral.
I'd be surprised if six Christian American Republican Congressmen or Senators supported gay marriage. Yet I'm supposed to believe ALL six Muslim MPs did? (I find it hard to believe there are only six Muslim MPs in Germany in the first place, given the influx of refugees...)
So is it really true that all of Germany's Muslim MPs voted in favor of same-sex marriage?