According to Bernie Sanders' Facebook page:
Is this statement true?
As the image states, the data comes from the LA Daily News, specifically this article
Last week, this news organization reported the cost of keeping an inmate in a California state prison hit the astronomical figure of $70,810 per year. That’s each! It’s also $8,333 more [$62,477] than it would cost to send an inmate to Stanford University. And if we really want to pinch pennies, we could ship our crooks to Harvard University and save $9,785 [$61,025] per perp.
The article attributes the high cost of the California state prison system to their prison guard union bargaining for some of the highest salaries in the nation, along with NJ ("The highest-paid prison guards in the nation (we battle it out with New Jersey)...")
The figure looks like it came from the California Legislative Analyst's Office which has a rough break-down of:
I'm not sure where the article's Stanford tuition fee comes from, the raw tuition is $15,777/quarter (3 quarters/year), after room, board, and other fees (variable) other sites cite it at about $64k (
I don't quite know how to compare the two, but I bet security isn't proportionally as high for a university than a prison. American students 26 years old or younger can also remain on their parent's insurance plan, so that cost isn't included.
Also bear in mind that universities like Stanford have many other funding streams, such as government research grants and endowments. For FY'16, Stanford reported "Student Income" as only 15% of its operating revenue. They receive $1.3 billion in research funding from the federal government, so across 16k students that works out to about another $80k per student, or including the 14k staff, $43k per person.