Many websites claim that some school children in Holland had to learn "how to pray in a mosque".
Is this claim true?
Many websites claim that some school children in Holland had to learn "how to pray in a mosque".
Is this claim true?
Children from Openbare basisschool (obs) Vinkenbuurt were taken (in the sense of a field trip) to Gulzar-e-Madina Mosque in Zwolle.
See the article OBS Vinkenbuurt maakt kennis met andere culturen :
Als onderdeel van het project ‘andere culturen’ hebben leerlingen van OBS Vinkenbuurt een bezoek gebracht aan de Ghulzar-e-Madina moskee in Zwolle. Daar gaf imam Mawlana Tahier Wagid Hosain Noorani een rondleiding in zijn moskee. Alle vragen die de leerlingen hadden werden op een leuke en begrijpelijke manier beantwoord. De leerlingen van OBS Vinkenbuurt probeerden ook het Arabische alfabet na te zeggen. Ook hebben ze ervaren hoe het is om te bidden. Ze hebben tijdens het bezoek veel geleerd over de Islam.
As part of the project 'other cultures', pupils at OBS Vinkenbuurt have visited the Ghulzar-e-Madina mosque in Zwolle. There, Imam Mawlana Tahier Wagid Hosain Noorani gave a tour of his mosque. All the questions the pupils had were answered in a fun and understandable way. The pupils of OBS Vinkenbuurt also tried to say the Arabic alphabet. They also experience what it is like to pray. They have learned a lot about Islam during the visit.
A video of the visit shows that the students are learning/practicing the physical aspect of how to bow and kneel in a mosque. Three girls (see at 1:39) do not participate in the bowing and kneeling.