A commenter at Hot Air writes about Kim Davis, the county clerk from Kentucky who was jailed for refusing the issue same-sex marriage certificates.
Nope she is quite willing to issue marriage licences (and out of all the gin joints and bars so …a couple of gays who couldn’t drive 30 miles further had to be bussed in to walk into her tiny neck of the woods? Hmmmm).
She also has no objection to deputies issuing marriage licences.
She has no objection of anyone in her office issuing marriage licences to GLBT.
She herself does not want to have her name on GLBT licences as it violates her conscience. And she has no opt out option because a. the law is unclear and b. legislators are too lazy to clarify and c. Mark Steyn was right except not just about the Epsicopalians.
Is this comment about Davis right? Because it sounds like she changed her story and later pointed out that the signed papers without her signature were not valid, as I recall.