Gavin Menzies makes the claim that the Chinese discovered and settled in America, many centuries before Columbus and Europeans did.
He based his claim on the DNA evidence:
- Close similarity between the Chinese and native Americans suggest regent gene flow from Asia.
- he results corroborate the Asian origin of native American populations but do not support the multiple-wave migration hypothesis supposedly responsible for the tripartite Eskaleut, Nadene and Amerind linguistic groups. Instead, these populations exhibit three major identifiable clusters reflecting geographic distribution. Close similarity between the Chinese and Native Americans suggests recent gene flow from Asia.
- The astonishing finding by Novick et al that Maya DNA is closer to Chinese DNA than Maya DNA is to N, Central or S American DNA.
- And so on and so forth
So is there any DNA evidence that show that Chinese discovered America before Columbus? I am well aware that mainstream scientific community doesn't think highly of Gavin Menzies' claim in general. How does it view the so called DNA evidence presented by Gavin Menzies?