There is a claim by a German philosopher, named Max Scheler.
Ein Affe, dem man eine Banane halb geschält in die Hand gibt, flieht vor ihr, während er sie ganz geschält frißt, ungeschält aber selber schält und dann frißt.
Translation by me:
A monkey/ape who is given a half peeled banana into his hand flees from it, whereas he eats it if it is fully peeled, or peels and eats it if it is not peeled.
Sometimes we use "Affe" interchangeably for monkey or ape, so I am not sure, what Scheler meant exactly. The text can be found here. I think the book is: Max Scheler (1928), Die Stellung Des Menschen Im Kosmos
I'm skeptical because of the first answer to this question: Was the experiment with five monkeys, a ladder, a banana and a water spray conducted?, where an anthropology professor is cited:
If you have bananas on a pole, you'll lose your bananas.
So do monkeys/apes flee from half peeled bananas?