The idea of an oscillator-based healing device was popularized by Georges Lakhovsky and is now associated with scientists like Tesla, Clark, and Beck. There are many YouTube videos dedicated to Lakhovsky's work and the healing effects of his coil, usually with added reference to a conspiracy to suppress his results.
What are the fundamental principles behind this technology, and how is it expected to work? Have results from these healing machines been tested for reproducibility? Has any independent organization attempted to confirm these results? Wikipedia says Lakhovsky's claims are considered quackery. What specific claims are considered quackery, and why?
Patients, by focusing certain frequencies on afflicted areas, or, in some cases, just sitting in the vicinity of vibrations from a device like the Lakhovsky Multi wave Oscillator, which produced a blend of specific frequencies, were said to have experienced relief from rheumatism and other painful conditions. It was even considered a cure for certain types of paralysis. Such radiation's increase the supply of blood to the area with a warming effect (diathermy). They enhance the oxygenation and nutritive value of the blood, increase various secretions, and accelerate the elimination of waste products in the blood. All this promotes healing. Electrotherapists even spoke of broadcasting vitamins to the body. Reversals of cancer tumor growths have been documented. Lakhovsky predicated science will discover, some day, not only the nature of microbes by the radiation they produce, but also a method of killing disease within the body by radiation.1
This controversial device has been claimed to restore aging and diseased tissue by energizing cells at multiple wavelengths of electromagnetic emissions. The machine has also been claimed to neutralize certain types of cancer and other incurable ailments. . . . The system as described uses our BTC30 Tesla coil generator to energize the multi-wave antenna emitter. . . . Information Unlimited does not claim any health benefits from the use of this machine. It is offered assembled for research purposes only. . . . $895. 2
Health & Well-Being on Information Unlimited
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