From a 2010 news article:
Obama noted that Medvedev had opened a Twitter account while visiting the company's headquarters in California.
"I have one, as well, so we may be able to finally throw away those red phones that have been sitting around for so long," he said to laughter, referring to the Cold War-era direct hotline between U.S. and Kremlin leaders.
Wikipedia has a picture of Jimmy Carter's "Red Phone":
But according to this CNN article:
Contrary to popular myth and Hollywood portrayal, the hot line has never been a pair of red telephones, one in a drawer in the Oval Office, the other in the Kremlin.
At first it was a set of teletypes with messages punched in at a rate of about one page every three minutes. That system was replaced in the late 1970s with two satellite systems, as well as an undersea cable link.
Crypto Machines also says:
Many people believe that a red telephone was part of the Washington-Moscow Hotline (WMH). There were NO phones at all on the hotline, let alone red ones.
The so-called "RED HOTLINE" between Washington and Moscow was actually a secure TELETYPE link.
My question:
Is it just a myth that the U.S. President has/had a phone that is actually red?
If yes, what's the explanation for Jimmy Carter's red phone?