I found a photo that I am currently trying to verify. It shows MH370, 5 days after disappearance, over Poland.
Use the link, the image uploaded on StackExchange removes the EXIF
The problems with this photo are multiple, I think:
The Reuters photographer (Tomasz Bartkowiak) states it was captured on February 5, 2014 in the comments of the photo. No other proof the photo was shoot on Feb 5, 2014 (eg. EXIF) is available.
Photo was first available on the web starting from March 13, 2014. http://www.tineye.com/search/af12a1bd0bf65258348ded2e0194b999d53bebb1/?sort=crawl_date&order=asc
The photo is available on multiple sites, and when an EXIF is available, it says March 13, 2014 (20:18:41) in Original Date/Time or Digitization Date/Time field.
I wrote to the photographer and he said he doesn't more own the originals and Reuters manages the rights.
The photo is not available on the Reuters catalog.
Searching on Google, I was only able to go the Google cached version of the catalog page, that cornfirms the photo date of March 13, 2014. Link: http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:52tiPMKFst8J:pictures.reuters.com/archive/MALAYSIA-AIRLINES--GM1EA3E081M02.html+&cd=1&hl=it&ct=clnk&gl=pt
I contacted Reuters and I am currently waiting for an answer regarding availability.
Is there any objective evidence as to whether this photo really does show MH370, and really was taken in Poland on Feb 5th 2014, as claimed?