Research by Magda Havas, Ph.D., of Trent University in Canada, and U.S. epidemiologist Samuel Milham, M.D., links something called “dirty electricity” with diabetes, malignant melanoma, and cancers of the breast, thyroid, uterus and lung. Dirty electricity is an industry term that describes a multi-frequency exposure when higher frequencies like RF couple with the lower frequencies running along power lines.
BPL (Broadband-Over-Power-Lines) is 100% dirty electricity — that’s how it functions — and people barraged by it can now measure RF radiation emanating from their light sockets.
—DOCUMENTATION on Issues Regarding the installation of Smart Meters
Is any of this supported by evidence?
- Do these people have the qualifications claimed here?
- Do these people claim what is summarised?
- Will "dirty electricity" cause cancer?
- Can people "measure RF radiation emanating from their light sockets"?