In April 10 article
I am not sure if is a right-wing website, but it seems to not be completely objective, although nowadays even media companies like the New York Times produce sensationalist fake news about China and whatnot.alternative media outlet, UNZ Review [claimed]:
Every public health official on earth knows this yet, despite its WHO
obligations, the CDC refuses to identify America’s Patient Zero and
attacks those–including the WHO itself–who requests the information.
The thesis of this article is that the CDC’s coverup will failCDC refuses to identify America’s Patient Zero and the
consequent revelations will hastenattacks those–including the fall of our First Republic[1]WHO itself–who requests the information.
The article claims that the CDC refuses to identify America's Patient Zero. Is this true and isthat the CDC refusingrefused to cooperate with the WHO? Or is the truth a lot more nuanced than thatprovide this information?