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Given there is no cite of the book's claims, removed the reference.
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During the Allied troops entry and occupation of German territory during the later stages of World War II, it is alleged that mass rapes were committed by Allied Forces.

The Telegraph reported:

Elderly victims have come forward to reveal the horrors of abuse committed by the Soviet soldiers. [...] An estimated two million women faced savage, multiple attacks [...]

Military historian and author of Berlin: The Downfall 1945, Antony Beevor, said

in Berlin alone it was estimated up to 130,000 women were raped, of whom up to 10,000 committed suicide.

However, Russian historians have criticized the estimates and argue that these crimes were not widespread since the Soviet military leadership signed an executive order on 19 January 1945 that demanded the prevention of cruel treatment of the local population.

So did rape by the combined AlliedSoviet troops during the occupation of Germany occur across Germany in the huge numbers described in the book Hellstorm: The Death of Nazi Germany, 1944-1947 by Thomas Goodrich and if so, what is the historian/scholar agreed estimate for the Allied rape numbers in 1945above?

During the Allied troops entry and occupation of German territory during the later stages of World War II, it is alleged that mass rapes were committed by Allied Forces.

The Telegraph reported:

Elderly victims have come forward to reveal the horrors of abuse committed by the Soviet soldiers. [...] An estimated two million women faced savage, multiple attacks [...]

Military historian and author of Berlin: The Downfall 1945, Antony Beevor, said

in Berlin alone it was estimated up to 130,000 women were raped, of whom up to 10,000 committed suicide.

However, Russian historians have criticized the estimates and argue that these crimes were not widespread since the Soviet military leadership signed an executive order on 19 January 1945 that demanded the prevention of cruel treatment of the local population.

So did rape by the combined Allied troops during the occupation of Germany occur across Germany in the huge numbers described in the book Hellstorm: The Death of Nazi Germany, 1944-1947 by Thomas Goodrich and if so, what is the historian/scholar agreed estimate for the Allied rape numbers in 1945?

During the Allied troops entry and occupation of German territory during the later stages of World War II, it is alleged that mass rapes were committed by Allied Forces.

The Telegraph reported:

Elderly victims have come forward to reveal the horrors of abuse committed by the Soviet soldiers. [...] An estimated two million women faced savage, multiple attacks [...]

Military historian and author of Berlin: The Downfall 1945, Antony Beevor, said

in Berlin alone it was estimated up to 130,000 women were raped, of whom up to 10,000 committed suicide.

However, Russian historians have criticized the estimates and argue that these crimes were not widespread since the Soviet military leadership signed an executive order on 19 January 1945 that demanded the prevention of cruel treatment of the local population.

So did rape by the Soviet troops during the occupation of Germany occur in the huge numbers described above?

Removed anecdote that did not claim mass rapes. CIted claims. Focussed title on Soviet soldiers. Avoided "mass rape" term as undefined.
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Did AlliedSoviet soldiers commit mass rapetwo million rapes of German women in 1945?

During the Allied troops entry and occupation of German territory during the later stages of World War II, it is allegedalleged that mass rapes were committed by Allied Forces. It is also alleged that two million women across Germany faced savage, multiple  

attacksThe Telegraph reported which is different from the version of acclaimed military:

Elderly victims have come forward to reveal the horrors of abuse committed by the Soviet soldiers. [...] An estimated two million women faced savage, multiple attacks [...]

Military historian and author of Berlin: The Downfall 1945, Antony Beevor who said "that in Berlin alone it was estimated up to 130,000 women were raped, of whom up to 10,000 committed suicide." said

in Berlin alone it was estimated up to 130,000 women were raped, of whom up to 10,000 committed suicide.

The estimates of Western scholars vary widely but they seem to agree that the majority of the rapes were committed by Soviet servicemen. However, Russian historians have criticized the estimatescriticized the estimates and argue that these crimes were not widespread since the Soviet military leadership signed an executive order on 19 January 1945 that demanded the prevention of cruel treatment of the local population.

So did rape by the combined Allied troops during the occupation of Germany really occur across Germany in such athe huge number asnumbers described in the book "Hellstorm: The Death of Nazi Germany, 1944-1947"Hellstorm: The Death of Nazi Germany, 1944-1947 by Thomas Goodrich and if so, what is the historian/scholar agreed estimate for the Allied rape numbers in 1945?

Did Allied soldiers commit mass rape of German women in 1945?

During the Allied troops entry and occupation of German territory during the later stages of World War II, it is alleged that mass rapes were committed by Allied Forces. It is also alleged that two million women across Germany faced savage, multiple attacks which is different from the version of acclaimed military historian Antony Beevor who said "that in Berlin alone it was estimated up to 130,000 women were raped, of whom up to 10,000 committed suicide."

The estimates of Western scholars vary widely but they seem to agree that the majority of the rapes were committed by Soviet servicemen. However, Russian historians have criticized the estimates and argue that these crimes were not widespread since the Soviet military leadership signed an executive order on 19 January 1945 that demanded the prevention of cruel treatment of the local population.

So did rape by the combined Allied troops during the occupation of Germany really occur across Germany in such a huge number as described in the book "Hellstorm: The Death of Nazi Germany, 1944-1947" by Thomas Goodrich and if so, what is the historian/scholar agreed estimate for the Allied rape numbers in 1945?

Did Soviet soldiers commit two million rapes of German women in 1945?

During the Allied troops entry and occupation of German territory during the later stages of World War II, it is alleged that mass rapes were committed by Allied Forces. 

The Telegraph reported:

Elderly victims have come forward to reveal the horrors of abuse committed by the Soviet soldiers. [...] An estimated two million women faced savage, multiple attacks [...]

Military historian and author of Berlin: The Downfall 1945, Antony Beevor, said

in Berlin alone it was estimated up to 130,000 women were raped, of whom up to 10,000 committed suicide.

However, Russian historians have criticized the estimates and argue that these crimes were not widespread since the Soviet military leadership signed an executive order on 19 January 1945 that demanded the prevention of cruel treatment of the local population.

So did rape by the combined Allied troops during the occupation of Germany occur across Germany in the huge numbers described in the book Hellstorm: The Death of Nazi Germany, 1944-1947 by Thomas Goodrich and if so, what is the historian/scholar agreed estimate for the Allied rape numbers in 1945?

Removed anecdote that did not claim mass rapes.
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During the Allied troops entry and occupation of German territory during the later stages of World War II, it is alleged that mass rapes were committed by Allied ForcesForces. It is also alleged that two million women across Germany faced savage, multiple attacks which is different from the version of acclaimed military historian Antony Beevor who said "that in Berlin alone it was estimated up to 130,000 women were raped, of whom up to 10,000 committed suicide."

The estimates of Western scholars vary widely but they seem to agree that the majority of the rapes were committed by Soviet servicemen. However, Russian historians have criticized the estimates and argue that these crimes were not widespread since the Soviet military leadership signed an executive order on 19 January 1945 that demanded the prevention of cruel treatment of the local population.

So did rape by the combined Allied troops during the occupation of Germany really occur across Germany in such a huge number as described in the book "Hellstorm: The Death of Nazi Germany, 1944-1947" by Thomas Goodrich and if so, what is the historian/scholar agreed estimate for the Allied rape numbers in 1945?

During the Allied troops entry and occupation of German territory during the later stages of World War II, it is alleged that mass rapes were committed by Allied Forces. It is also alleged that two million women across Germany faced savage, multiple attacks which is different from the version of acclaimed military historian Antony Beevor who said "that in Berlin alone it was estimated up to 130,000 women were raped, of whom up to 10,000 committed suicide."

The estimates of Western scholars vary widely but they seem to agree that the majority of the rapes were committed by Soviet servicemen. However, Russian historians have criticized the estimates and argue that these crimes were not widespread since the Soviet military leadership signed an executive order on 19 January 1945 that demanded the prevention of cruel treatment of the local population.

So did rape by the combined Allied troops during the occupation of Germany really occur across Germany in such a huge number as described in the book "Hellstorm: The Death of Nazi Germany, 1944-1947" by Thomas Goodrich and if so, what is the historian/scholar agreed estimate for the Allied rape numbers in 1945?

During the Allied troops entry and occupation of German territory during the later stages of World War II, it is alleged that mass rapes were committed by Allied Forces. It is also alleged that two million women across Germany faced savage, multiple attacks which is different from the version of acclaimed military historian Antony Beevor who said "that in Berlin alone it was estimated up to 130,000 women were raped, of whom up to 10,000 committed suicide."

The estimates of Western scholars vary widely but they seem to agree that the majority of the rapes were committed by Soviet servicemen. However, Russian historians have criticized the estimates and argue that these crimes were not widespread since the Soviet military leadership signed an executive order on 19 January 1945 that demanded the prevention of cruel treatment of the local population.

So did rape by the combined Allied troops during the occupation of Germany really occur across Germany in such a huge number as described in the book "Hellstorm: The Death of Nazi Germany, 1944-1947" by Thomas Goodrich and if so, what is the historian/scholar agreed estimate for the Allied rape numbers in 1945?

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