According to this article, which has been circulating lately on Facebook:
At Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming, there is a mass animal exodus underway. Miles of buffalo can be seen running frantically from the Northwest end of the park. They are even running down roads. Elk are also evacuating at an astounding rate. Smaller animals such as rabbits and squirrels are also fleeing Yellowstone.
According to one expert, Thomas Lupshu, the only possible explanation is that the seismic activity in Yellowstone which has been increasing over the past month could mean that an eruption is on the way.
Is an imminent volcanic eruption the most plausible explanation for this reported animal mass-exodus from Yellowstone National Park?
To be clear, I'm not asking if an eruption is imminent, I'm asking if there are other, more plausible explanations than this so-called expert Thomas Lupshu would have us believe.