It's atleastat least possible for the police (or anyone else) to do this in Sweden, since the documents pertaining to the building permit include a complete building plan.
All documents filed with a government agency (local or national) in Sweden by default becomes parts of the public record, freely avaliableavailable for everyone (citizen aswellas well as foreign), unless another law specificlyspecificity puts them under secrecy.. No such law protects building plans, which are handled by a branch of the municipality.
Under swedishSwedish law, a request for such public documents must be met ASAP, i.e. if the police, or even a private citizen, comes in person to request a building plan it must be fetched and copied for them right away. Some municipalities make building permits available at public computer terminals for easy access by the public.
Sorry to say, I have no knowledge about if the swedishSwedish police usually uses this possibility in the manner specified by the question.
Swedish constitution. This question is regulated in The Freedom of Press Act:
Public Access to Information and Secrecy Act: