Questions tagged [smoking]

The act of burning a substance and inhaling or tasting the smoke produced.

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1 answer

Did Time Magazine publish an article in 1931 explaining how to prepare and roll marijuana?

According to a Feb 3, 2021 blog entry ("Why Is Marijuana Called Reefer?") of Kushfly, a medical cannabis company, Time Magazine published an article in 1931 explaining how to roll a "...
Robert Columbia's user avatar
44 votes
3 answers

Do 80 to 90 percent of lifelong smokers never develop lung cancer?

Joshua Hawkins of has stated that 80 to 90 percent of lifelong smokers never develop lung cancer. To quote the article: Scientists may have discovered why lifelong smokers never get lung ...
Chris Rogers's user avatar
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Do vaping bans cause people who were previously vapers to start smoking cigarettes?

Background This Buzzfeed article asserts that there is a realistic worry that vaping bans cause vapers to return back to cigarettes: And yanking nicotine e-cigarettes off the market could have ...
isakbob's user avatar
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21 votes
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Does smoking one joint give as much exposure to cancer-producing chemicals as smoking four to five cigarettes?

I was linked to a website from Parenting Stack Exchange called drugfreeworld. I then browsed around a bit, and I found this interesting line on the Marijuana page: Aside from the discomfort that ...
GrumpyCrouton's user avatar
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Is drinking a half-bottle of wine a night ‘as bad as three cigarettes’

A recent study on the cancer risks of drinking alcohol has been widely reported in news headlines. The Times headline is: Half-bottle of wine a night ‘as bad as three cigarettes’ The BBC summarise ...
matt_black's user avatar
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1 vote
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Is vaping a healthier alternative to smoking? [duplicate]

I’ve heard from some people and advertisements that vaping is healthier than smoking, and vaping should be more popular because it causes less damage to the lungs. Is this really true, or have I been ...
Curious Fish's user avatar
0 votes
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Does Smoking/Boozing Cause Erectile Dysfunction? [duplicate]

I have heard many different things from people about ED (impotence) issue. I am a chain smoker also drink a lot and i am experiencing ED problems from past few months. I am not able to get hard in bed....
Chris Fletcher's user avatar
1 vote
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Is NeuraSan effective for smoking cessation?

The NeuraSan website describes a treatment to help give up smoking: The method uses specific treatment procedures that are derived from the areas of naturopathy, homeopathy, and findings of ...
Akli's user avatar
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1 vote
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Does Cristiano Ronaldo drink or smoke?

This image forwarded on WhatsApp makes the following claims about Cristiano Ronaldo. no tattoos (because "he donates blood twice a year and does not want to affect that") doesn't drink (...
Say No To Censorship's user avatar
19 votes
1 answer

Is 1 hour of shisha as harmful as smoking 100 cigarettes?

The British Health Foundation claims that: The average shisha-smoking session lasts an hour and research has shown that in this time you can inhale the same amount of smoke as from more than ...
Online User's user avatar
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Is it possible to get high smoking banana peel?

I know this sounds ridicoulous but some people are claiming that you can get high smoking banana peel Is it true? And if it is how does it work?
Liam's user avatar
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"In some cities, it's more dangerous to breathe than to smoke cigarettes."

The Economist posted this claim on Facebook and Twitter, accompanied by a short video. In some cities, it's more dangerous to breathe than to smoke cigarettes. I can imagine it's more dangerous ...
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16 votes
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Do smoking-related deaths save cost to health service?

Australian columnist Miranda Devine recently claimed that smoking-related deaths save cost to the health system: “Well cigarettes aren’t that bad really when you think about it,” Devine said. ...
Ergwun's user avatar
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7 votes
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Is there a wage gap between smokers and non-smokers?

I recently saw a PSA from the organization "truth" that claimed there was a wage gap between smokers and non-smokers (the idea being that you should stop smoking if you want more money). http://...
Thunderforge's user avatar
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Does "packing" a pack of cigarettes before opening make them last longer?

To "pack" a packet of cigarettes is to whack them against a surface before opening the packet. This is said to compress the tobacco. Example: WikiHow describes the process Many times while ...
coburne's user avatar
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5 votes
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Does smoking tobacco increase work capacity?

A colleague stated that he heard of studies stating that nicotine is an upper and would increase work effort. A short Google search showed many sources showing many strongly positive effects of ...
Spork's user avatar
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Can you quit smoking overnight by drinking a dangerous dose of nicotine? [closed]

I used to teach a 7 day stop smoking program, it was 15 steps a day that if you could do for 7 days straight, you'd be a non-smoker by the end of it. The program was all about turning off mental ...
ShemSeger's user avatar
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Will visiting a sauna help you quit smoking?

Floating around the introwebs, thought it was pure nonsense. Can anyone back me up here? If you're trying to quit smoking, go to a sauna 3 days in a row. You'll sweat out the addictive toxins and ...
Outdated Computer Tech's user avatar
3 votes
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What is the *causal* link between smoking and lung cancer? [closed]

I have been discussing smoking with a fellow who states that for all the decades of study of the tobacco leaf, still nobody has managed to find what part of the process of smoking the tobacco leaf ...
DaleJohnston's user avatar
65 votes
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If smoking causes lung cancer, why has a decline in smoking not led to a decline in lung cancer?

According to the CDC, smoking prevalence among US adults (18+) has decreased quite a bit over the years: 1974: 37.1% of the population 1980: 33.2 1990: 25.5 2000: 23.3 2010: 19.3 According to cancer....
DaleJohnston's user avatar
9 votes
3 answers

Is medical marijuana prescribed to be smoked?

In some jurisdictions, like California, Marijuana is permitted for 'medical use". Its most widespread administration is by smoking Are there doctors prescribing marijuana to be smoked? While I ...
caub's user avatar
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Do cigarettes emit three times as much particulates as an idling diesel engine?

We can see that cities like Melbourne are pushing far the smoking bans Often smoking is compared to car pollution, and is said to be insignificant But, according to this experiment A turbo diesel ...
caub's user avatar
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13 votes
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Does fetal tobacco smoke exposure cause permanent harm?

The Encyclopedia on Early Childhood Development says: However, the evidence from literature on both animals and humans is very convincing: smoking during pregnancy is a contributing factor to ...
caub's user avatar
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Does forcing a young child to smoke a cigarette discourage longer term use?

I have heard that giving your kid a cigarette when they are very little and forcing them to smoke the whole thing will make them have a bad memory of the event and make them less likely to smoke in ...
Xitcod13's user avatar
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Is Champix safe?

There are various reports of people feeling depressed and suicidal having taken Champix. What is the truth about this stop-smoking-pill? The Daily Mail tell the story of a girl who took it and tried ...
Dave Hilditch's user avatar
8 votes
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Does smoking cannabis kill 30,000 people per year? Cannabis is as dangerous as cigarette smoking... [...] [C]annabis could be a major contributor to UK deaths. ...
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Are E-Cigarettes as unhealthy as conventional cigarettes? [duplicate]

At my community college, a person in a booth was handing out pamphlets talking about the health problems with cigarettes and e-cigarettes. The pamphlet seemed to indicate that e-cigarettes could be as ...
Publius's user avatar
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Is drinking a soda as bad or more harmful than smoking a cigarette?

The claim is easy to find on google, but here are a few specific examples (emphasis added): Soda, which is loaded with sugar primarily in the form of high fructose corn syrup, is a leading ...
Flimzy's user avatar
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Is it more expensive to employ a smoker than a non-smoker? Det kostar nära 6.000 dollar (knappt 40.000 kronor) mer per år att ha en rökare anställd än någon som inte röker, visar en studie i USA. Skälet är rökares större sjukfrånvaro, dyrare ...
Wertilq's user avatar
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Does putting warning on Cigarette packs reduce consumption? [duplicate]

Cigarette packs in various countries contain warnings on them, some of them contain only text, some contain text and pictures that suppose to ditter the user, and the most extreme are Australian packs ...
SIMEL's user avatar
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Could smoking cause erectile dysfunction?

I was told that smoking 'menthol' cigarettes could cause erectile dysfunction. But I don't know how much of this is true so I wanted to know how much of this is true... Here is an example of the ...
nidhi_adiga's user avatar
12 votes
1 answer

Are there over 4000 chemicals in tobacco smoke?

Some prominent medical sources even claim that there are over 7000 chemicals in tobacco smoke. The rumor seems to be passed around with no reference. Wikipedia makes a more believable claim that "[m]...
Muz's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Does your body suffer one mutation for every 15 cigarettes you smoke?

England's department of health has launched a new, very graphic anti-smoking TV ad (see the BBC STORY). Aside from the graphic imagery it makes the specific claim that a smoker will suffer one ...
matt_black's user avatar
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Do workplace smoking bans reduce the number of heart attacks?

There is a lively debate on the health impact of passive smoking (other questions on are here Does passive smoking kill 600,000 people every year? and here Is secondhand smoke dangerous?). ...
matt_black's user avatar
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12 votes
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Does passive smoking kill 600,000 people every year?

While reading David Nutt's book on the harms caused by legal and illegal drugs and how to minimise them (Drugs without the hot air), I came across a claim which reminded me of some previous questions ...
matt_black's user avatar
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20 votes
3 answers

Does one drop of nicotine kill a horse?

There is a popular aphorism in Russia, translated as "one drop of nicotine kills a horse": , which is widely used on the anti-tobacco posters etc. Can 0.05 ml of nicotine really kill a healthy 400-...
Quassnoi's user avatar
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11 votes
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Do plain packs for cigarettes reduce smoking?

I heard on the news that some countries in the European Union are planning a measure that will force Tobacco companies to use a generic package for their cigarettes (for a debate on the UK proposals ...
user1550876's user avatar
10 votes
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Is there no risk-free level of second hand smoke?

The Surgeon General released a report in 2006 regarding the dangers of secondhand smoke (SHS). One of the claims in the report is: There is NO risk-free level of secondhand smoke exposure, with even ...
user1873's user avatar
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Did the WHO study show a significant RR of lung cancer, and not a preventative effect?

The WHO released a press release with preliminary finds to the media. After examining the preliminary study, the Telegraph, the Guardian and other newspapers printed articles with headlines like, "...
user1873's user avatar
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15 votes
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Does smoking prevent obesity and diabetes?

In a letter to The Guardian newspaper artist and pro-tobacco campaigner David Hockney suggests that there could be a link between not smoking and being obese or having diabetes. Is there a link ...
Tom77's user avatar
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43 votes
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Are electronic cigarettes a healthier alternative to regular cigarettes?

Electronic cigarettes pose as a replacement of cigarettes. It is claimed that they help in quitting smoking. They do come in flavors, and in various levels of nicotine. But, are they less harmful? Do ...
Micangello's user avatar
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Does second hand smoke cause cancer?

Related: Does smoking cigarettes cause lung cancer? A friend of mine related today, as shocked as I was to hear it, that he heard that every single study that had ever been conducted on second hand ...
Hendy's user avatar
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Do scare tactics in advertising succeed in reducing the number of people who smoke or take illegal drugs? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Are anti-smoking advertisements actually promoting smoking through use of reverse psychology? Most people agree that tobacco is harmful to health, but many people still smoke (...
matt_black's user avatar
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2 votes
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Common additives to cigarettes

I have heard that common cigarette brands add additives to the tobacco in cigarettes (not in the filter) and I've heard many people use this as an excuse that it is safer to grow and roll your own. ...
going's user avatar
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Is smoking more damaging to non-smokers who spend a lot of time around a smoker than it is to the actual smoker?

Related: Is secondhand smoke dangerous? ( thanks JoseK ) I've heard this argument many times, the logic being that the smokers body is used to the toxins inside the cigarettes, which leads to more ...
Mihai Rotaru's user avatar
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14 votes
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Is nicotine a relatively safe substance?

I've always thought that nicotine has really bad health effects. Interestingly enough, I've found the following statement on the website of one of the major Nicotine Replacement Therapy products ...
Sklivvz's user avatar
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9 votes
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Does smoking under three cigarettes a day prevent addiction?

I heard that if you smoke at most three cigarettes a day you don't get addicted to smoking. A similar idea was introduced in a How I Met Your Mother episode. Is this true?
Alexandru's user avatar
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Is secondhand smoke dangerous?

There seems to be little doubt in public opinion that second hand smoke is dangerous, and I can see why. But many smokers have claimed to me that it is not dangerous at all and it is all media hype. ...
Thomas O's user avatar
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28 votes
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Is smoking hookah safer than smoking cigarettes?

A couple of years ago, at a party, I was invited to partake in some hookah smoking by some friends. Going by memory, I remember the hookah being a ornate metal contraption that somehow "filtered" the ...
Uticensis's user avatar
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